Thursday, November 19, 2009

5 Article Breakdown - 11/13/09

The Myspace Generation
1)Thesis: They try to convey the idea that these social networking sites are the new gateway to advertise new music to middle to upper class teenagers.
2)-Advertisment has become very intrested in social networking sites like MySpace.
- Teens are the main users of these sites
3)“Youngster log on so obsessively that MySpace ranked No. 15 on the entire U.S. Internet in terms of page hits in October, according to Nielsen//NetRatings. Millions also hang out at other up-and-coming networks such as"

Researchers Probe Cell-Phone Effects
1)Thesis: research studies show the effects of cell-phone usage on the human ear and brain. Contrary to popular opinion, she notes that, in some people, cell-phone waves seem to improve rather than harm mental functioning.
2)- Cell phone waves have cause tumors in test rats.
- Some studies have shown that waves have actually inceased mental functioning.
3)-“One quarter of the Norwegian users, she noted, feel warmth on or behind the ear when they use their phones. More troubling, she said, 20 percent also linked frequent headaches and recurring fatigue to cell-phone use"
-“I was looking for memory effects but didn’t find any….RF emissions from both digital and analog signals correlated with a cut in the time it took users to answer simple questions. The improvement was small, just 15 milliseconds"

Cyberspace: If You Don’t Love It, Leave It
1)Thesis: The idea of cyberspace freedom, you can be who you want to be without worrying about criticism from your neighbor.
2)- People can be confortable with in cyberspace communities.
- The government should not be able to censor what we can look at on the internet.
3)-That means that people can choose where to go and what to see…We need self-rule"
-“In a democracy, minority groups and minority preferences tend to get squeezed out, whether they are minorities of race and culture or minorities of individual taste. Cyberspace allows communities of any size and kid to flourish"

Mobile Key to Teens' Social Lives
1) Thesis: Teens are the biggest users of cell phones.
2) -A majority (57 percent) of teens view their cell phone as the key to their social life.
-Second only to clothing, teens say, a person's cell phone tells the most about their social status or popularity, outranking jewelry, watches and shoes.
3)“Today four out of five teens (17 million) carry a wireless device ,a 40 percent increase since 2004"
4)Dyson's article supports the idea that the internet is all good but does point out some flaws. Raloff's article is spilt is both disagrees and agrees that cell phone usage can be harmful and helpful. Hempel and Lehman article is also split. It agrees that socail networking sites are good for advertisement towards tell but they use them so obssesivly that it may harm how they interact with peer to peer relationships.
5)Modern technology will affect teens negitivly in the future- Cell phone usage can cause head aches fatigue and tumors, social networking overuse can cause teen to have artificial relationsips
Modern technology will affect teens positively in the future- Cyberspace allows teens to be who they want without fear of critisim, cell phone usage can actually improve mental functioning. Social networking allows teens to easily communicate with others.

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